“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun.

His colleagues call him "The Dancing Doctor" find out why!!!

THIS NEUROSURGEON USES A VERY UNIQUE APPROACH TO HELP HIS PATIENTS. His colleagues call him "The Dancing Doctor" . ✒️ How important is 'state of mind ' to aid in any recovery process in life ? This video provides shows that we have the power within us to overcome many things. #mindfulness and it's role exists as a key element in cultures dating back through the ages. 📌 This Richard DiPilla post asks you to weigh in on your #thoughts and #opinions in the #comments. ✍️ CAN WE HELP OURSELVES SELF HEAL ? ✍️ HOW CAN #MUSIC AND #DANCE HELP IN PATIENTS RECOVERY ? ✍️ WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE IF WE EXPLORE AND UTILIZE THE POWER WITHIN OURSELVES TO DO GOOD ?

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